I love taking photographs and own probably the original amateur digital SLR; a Canon EOS 300D. It’s an amazing camera and has captured some truly magic moments over the years, I’m not in the slightest bit tempted to upgrade it as it still works brilliantly.

Twitter introduced me to the world of blogging and the concept of The Gallery. So this page will be used as a record of my favourite photos of The Boy, but also I will enter some of these photos into Stickyfingers Gallery depending upon the relevance of the theme.

Mother Nature – 19th January 2011

Multi-Coloured Bay

This picture is taken from the aeroplane as we flew over San Francisco Bay, and the coloured areas that you can see are salt ponds. The different colours represent different stages of the desalination process. An awe-inspring sight.

This was put together for this week’s gallery over at Sticky Fingers where the subject is “Mother Nature”.

Body Parts – 12th January 2011

Golden Crown

The Boy has beautiful hair, I love tousling it with my fingers. If the old wives’ tale is anything to go by, his hair is why I had such horrendous heartburn through my pregnancy. At 19 months old on the day of this Gallery post, he has had his hair cut seven times; it is thick, strong and gloriously golden-tinted.

This was put together for this week’s gallery over at Sticky Fingers where the subject is “Body Parts”

Love – 22nd December 2010

New and complete love

My husband took this of The Boy grasping my hand when he was five days old. It is one of my favourite photos ever. End of!

This was put together for this week’s gallery over at Sticky Fingers where the subject is “Love”